
Sunday 13 October 2013

Justin Bieber accused of taking 'cheap shot'

Justin Bieber has been accused of attacking a man in South Korea.
The 'Heartbreaker' hitmaker allegedly took a "cheat shot" at DJ Michael Woods' manager on Thursday night (10.10.13), because he didn't like the hits Woods was spinning in a nightclub.
In a rant about the altercation on his Twitter page on Saturday morning (10.12.13), the DJ wrote: "Next time u wanna take a cheap shot at my Tour Manager @justinbieber stick around to follow it thru instead of runnin off like a lil p***y

"Story is @justinbieber + his army of heavy security muscled in to the booth half way thru my set in S. Korea demanding hip hop...
"So when I told @justinbieber to f**k off and put some clothes on he took a cheap shot at my tour manager and fled behind a wall of security (sic)"
The party's host Ben Baller insists the incident is being blown out of proportion and told gossip website that the heated exchange did not turn physical.
Canadian DJ Deadmau5 showed his support for Woods and tweeted: "Dear @justinbieber, would you please grow the f**k up already? In the meantime, put a shirt on, and stay away from nightclubs.
"Someone needs to jump on Justin's stage and start telling him what to play. I apologize on behalf of Canada.
"He threw a punch at a fellow DJ because he wouldn't play hip hop. Someone needs to shut that kid down.
"I'm sorry, but if you got up in my face while I was performing, and demanded me to play some b******t, I'd probably punch you in the neck."
It was previously reported that Justin, 19, had acknowledged he was on a "bad path" recently and was eager to repair his reputation after a rocky few months, during which he was accused of partying too much, showing up late for concerts and disrespecting people.

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