
Friday 8 November 2013

Scientists find gene that can self-heal wounds


Deep in our body there are many genes are "turned on and off" for several years, including the gene that could help body development to position "Lose". This is due to the scientific search for "magic code" that can help us regenerate organs or is that fingers grow back if accidentally broken. A Harvard University study believed that he seems to have found it.

George Daley from Harvard Medical School have accidentally discovered an interesting thing. While ongoing identification techniques for mice in his laboratory - by cutting the ears or toes - he had noticed some strange phenomena. Unlike the others, this small mice can develop ears and toes back in a few days. The reason is because they have been adjusted to a gene gene has enabled us to develop in the womb can continue to operate even when the mice were born. In other words, the gene is never itself off. The researchers call this gene is Lin28a , and by promoting metabolism, it is possible to fool the body that it is younger than the real.

This is really good news. However, a question arises: How well? Daley and his company confirmed that this gene can regenerate body parts, but this approach is still limited. American scientists have described as follows:

"The power of Lin28a gene appears only in a limited time. When older mice - about 5 weeks old - the scientists could not reproduce their feet, even when the gene was stimulated. And the mouse gene is activated Lin28a can not recover the same damages the heart, may be due to the protein does not have uniform effect in all parts of the body. "

Thus, the Lin28a still works - but not always and not in all parts of the body. However, the body also many other genes may also play a more important role Lin28a. Now scientists know that the recovery process of the body can be controlled by the metabolic activity, and they will be able to search the relevant genes. Or in other words, learn where to find them.

Clearly, the self-regeneration is still quite far away, but this is a significant step forward. And with the new discoveries of genes Lin28a it also plays an important role in finding new drugs that can help the body recover faster and better after the injury.

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