
Monday 2 September 2013

For Ladies – 10 Things That Mean More to Men Than “I Love You”

With these tips, you would learn how to show a man you love him in ways he will truly appreciate.
1. Your Undivided Attention
When the male brain sees you checking your iPhone during dinner, it interprets that as ‘I’m not important.”
2. His Favorite Meal
That old adage is true: “The best way to a man’s heart may be through his belly.” Knowing what he likes to eat without having to ask him demonstrates how well you know him.
3. Wearing that Dress He Loves You in
Dolling up sends the message that you still want to look good for him, no matter how long you’ve been together. Men’s brains are wired to respond to visual cues more than women’s brains.

4. Taking Care of Yourself
Shedding stress, eating right, exercising, quitting smoking and even pampering yourself may sound like treats for you, but they’re also ways to show you love him. “This communicates, “I want to have a long, wonderful life with you.”
5. Complimenting Him
Genuine compliments on his looks and strength confirm that you admire him, which equates to love.
6. Encouraging Him to Take Time for Himself
While you may not hesitate to ask for you time, your husband may have trouble verbalizing what he needs. Occasionally, suggest he take a day to relax with friends, play video games, work on the car or just sleep in. This shows support and allows him the freedom to do what he needs to be his best self.
7. Asking His Advice
Your man wants to feel like an important part of your world. On top of that, he’s a hard-wired problem-solver. Ask for his opinion on how to approach the boss for a raise, and you prove you trust and value his judgment.
8. Thanking Him for the Little Things
Next time your husband drives the kids to school or takes out the trash, express your gratitude. We’re rushing through life, we forget to notice the good deeds and guys forget to say what they need from you, but they have feelings, too. So say, “I really appreciate that.”
9. A lengthy hug.
Instead of a quick peck before running out the door, choose a lingering embrace. While women connect verbally, men connect more through touch.
10. Letting Him Vent
The latest office drama or family fight plays on his emotions more than he’d like to let on. So create a safe space for your guy to let his walls down. Listen to his worries or problems without trying to fix them.

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