
Saturday 20 July 2013

8 Reasons Why Men Are Not Eager To Get Married

Have you ever wondered why some men are not eager to get married? Have you ever come across someone who has all what it takes, but not willing to settle down with a partner? Have you ever wondered why some men decide to be running after many girls at once?

Whenever you come across someone with any of this kind of trait, know that they’re many things that influence that behavior which am going to explain in this article.

For example, if you’re with someone whom you believe is resourceful and able to take care of a family but at the same time does not want to, then you have to know that either they have a reason for escaping away from it or something is hindering them.
8 reasons why men are not eager to get married

Before I give you some of the major reasons behind men’s actions towards married, I also want you know that these reasons apply to majority of men but not all because some men naturally don’t abide to the idea of marriage especially settling down at an early age.

   1. They can get sex without marriage
   2. The benefits of having a wife by cohabiting rather than marrying
   3. They want to avoid divorce and financial risk 
   4. They expect to get older before having children
   5. They fear of changes and compromise 
   6. Waiting for a perfect match
   7. Further education
   8. They faced few social pressures to marry  
As you can see from the reasons above, a man may decide to seek more time before thinking of married due to many good and bad things happening within and around him, right? Prior to the 8 reasons why men are not eager to get married mentioned above, they are other minor factors which still hinder some men like the inability to finance a legitimate marriage, the hope to first have a self-apartment , wanting to build a house, not willing to marry a woman who already has a child etc. 

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